


The Mount Union大学’s 频谱教育中心 was created to provide training and education for those interested in autism intervention and advocacy. The Center manages the Spectrum 实习项目 and the 同伴指导 Program. 除了, educational opportunities are available to members of the community who want to learn more about developmental disabilities through professional development sessions and 注册行为技术员培训.




The 频谱教育中心 currently offers group social skill intervention, 同行®, 给我们的自闭症社区成员. Kristine Turko, Director of the 频谱教育中心 is a certified PEERS provider. 同行® for Adolescents is a 14-week evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated students with autism in middle school or high school who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends.

PEERS - 同行® for Adolescents is a 14-week evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated students with autism in middle school or high school who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. The intervention occurs via group therapy sessions that are held weekly for 90 minutes. The first 30 minutes consists of a didactic lesson that includes role-play demonstrations, 行为演练, 以及绩效反馈. The next 45 minutes consists of peer mentoring with UMU students who help group members practice the goal behaviors that were introduced in the lesson. The final 15 minutes is spent reviewing the lesson as a group and talking about ways that the students can practice utilizing the new skills.  The following is an outline of the social skill topics covered during the 14-week session:

  1. 会话技巧,交易信息
  2. 对话技巧,双向对话
  3. 会话技巧,电子沟通
  4. 选择合适的朋友
  5. 适当使用幽默
  6. 同伴进入,进入对话
  7. 同伴进入,退出对话
  8. 集体社交活动
  9. 良好的体育精神
  10. 拒绝、戏弄和令人尴尬的反馈
  11. 拒绝、欺凌和坏名声
  12. 处理分歧
  13. 谣言和八卦
  14. 结语与毕业 

Two PEERS groups are held yearly, 14-week sessions each Fall and Spring semester. To apply to the PEERS program or to learn more contact spectrum@promisesurfing.net.