
English Language Proficiency

English Proficiency Test Minimum Score (ESL Bridge Coursework Required) Minimum Score (No ESL Coursework Required)
托福考试 61 iBT (500 PBT) 79 iBT (550 PBT)**
PTE学术英语考试 46 55**
雅思考试 5.5 6.5**
多邻国英语测试 85 100**
ACT(英文版) 21
SAT (Evidence-based and Critical Thinking and Writing Score) 590

**Students that score between a 61 – 78 on the 托福考试, a 46 – 54 on the PTE学术英语考试, a 5.5 – 6.雅思成绩0分, OR a 85 – 99 on the Duolingo can be admitted to Mount Union but will be required to enroll in at least 8 credits of English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) coursework within their first year

Those applicants who meet one of the following conditions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for a waiver of an English proficiency test:

  • Completion of a minimum of two English courses (non-ESL) at a U.S. high school with a minimum grade of B.
  • Completion of secondary school (with at least 2 years of prior, continuous enrollment) from an English-speaking country (see chart below).
  • Completion of an International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum with a minimum score of 5 in the Diploma Programme, or a minimum score of 6 in the standard-level English language examinations.
  • Completion of the British Ordinary Level (O-level) English Language Exam (GCE/GCSE/IGCSE) with a Grade of B or higher.
  • Completion of the British Advanced Level (A-level) English Language Exam (GCE/GCSE/IGCSE) with a Grade of C or higher.
  • Completion of a minimum of 24 credit hours of academic (non-ESL) coursework at an accredited two or four-year postsecondary institution in the U.S. with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • Completion of at least 1 year of postsecondary school (non-ESL) coursework from a recognized higher education institution in an English-speaking country (see chart below) with a minimum GPA of 2.0. 

English-speaking countries include the following:

  1. 非洲
    • 博茨瓦纳
    • 冈比亚
    • 加纳
    • 肯尼亚
    • 利比里亚
    • 马拉维
    • 毛里求斯
    • 纳米比亚
    • 尼日利亚
    • 塞拉利昂
    • 南非
    • Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
    • 斯威士兰
    • 坦桑尼亚
    • 乌干达
    • 赞比亚
    • 津巴布韦
  2. 亚洲
    • 圣诞岛
  3. 欧洲
    • 联合王国
    • 直布罗陀
    • 爱尔兰
    • 泽西岛
    • 苏格兰
  4. 北美
    • 安圭拉岛
    • 安提瓜岛
    • 巴哈马群岛
    • 巴巴多斯
    • 伯利兹
    • 百慕大
    • British Virgin Islands
    • 开曼群岛
    • Canada (except Quebec)
    • 多米尼加
    • 格林纳达
    • 牙买加
    • 蒙特塞拉特
    • 克里斯多福 & 尼维斯
    • St. 露西娅
    • St. 文森特 & 格林纳丁斯群岛
    • 土耳其人 & 凯科斯群岛
  5. 大洋洲
    • 澳大利亚
    • 库克岛
    • 斐济
    • 密克罗尼西亚
    • 新西兰
    • 诺福克群岛
    • 巴布亚新几内亚
    • 皮特克恩岛
    • 所罗门群岛
    • 汤加
  6. 南美
    • 圭亚那
    • 特立尼达拉岛 & 多巴哥